Thursday, 15 May 2014

Elections 2014

An empty lane
no heart of gold
some ghosts of past
some dreams untold.

Passengers in the journey
faded faces with dimmer souls
each one has struck
each one on your throat.

Some promises of growth
future prosperity they hold
shrill voices of development came
another told to remove me from my home
Isn’t this the betterment
of which we are told?

Of hopes and dreams
Of youth and old.
Equality of speech & freedom of thought
Of each word I say
Anti national I am, I am told.

Of building barriers & broken bridges
of states dividing & culture uniting
2 sons bought up from same motherland
of same language & history,
their difference I am being told to explore.

A nation of dreams,
with billions handicapped followers have grown.
Some with eyes but can’t see,
Some with voice but reason has gone,
Some deaf who can’t hear the shouts anymore,
Others with heart which have turned to stone.

It’s indeed an empty lane,
there is no heart of gold
with ghosts of past
there are more to unfold.