Friday, 28 June 2013


Far away you lie,
into the distance ,
where your shadow melts
into the clouds.
Carried away by the winds
soul caught up in the storm,
your shouts which shrilled the skies,
have now transformed into a distant melodious rhyme.

Don’t pretend they listen,
impervious colonies of deaf resides,
only signs and alarms they pay heed to
ones which direct them,
drills with pointed fingers they require.
Steering them together as a group
instructing their life
when to applaud, congratulate or smile.

Everyone covered with a mask
this world without a will to see,
their open eyes bedazzled
under blind drapes they exists.

Each presents a different mask,
thinking he has concealed,
look deeper , look into the holes
their blind eyes reside.
Their cloaks, masquerades they are all the same.
Colored lips on white haunted faces
smiling ear to ear
everyone with a pretense
each with a story concealed.
Dual life we lead,
One with the merry face to the world
Other with broken souls we lead.

I speak to you, my chosen one.
pick any dummy of the crowd.
They are alike, they are same,
just their masks have spread.
What began with the face,
to heart it has reached.
Each one is decaying, as this minute decays.
Remove this mask,
why this new domino?
You too desire to be in the crowd?
From pure morning dew drop
you want to turn to fog?


  1. End was brusque :( I was in thirst of more perhaps :D but anyways the covert verity you brought up bhai is really nice if someone will understand it , this can bring change !!
    P.S. Side by side i too like your introduction :D Prodigious !! last line matching to my thoughts :)

    1. Thank u so much for your words Ali... They help my writing a lot..

  2. Hey Fahad. that was cool.. i loved this poem.. keep writing..
